Unusual Results
We are called to obey, but Jesus is in charge of the results.
Blind Obedience
Often we don’t understand why the Holy Spirit nudges us to do something. Our frequently asked question, “But why, Lord?’ seldom gets answered.
But here’s an exciting pattern I’ve noticed in the Scriptures. Almost every miracle is preceded by a human act of obedience.
Crack open your Bible and check it out for yourself—I’ll wait.
Two Good Examples
Sometimes the obedience is simple. Peter cast his net into the water one last time. The resulting catch of fish threated to sink two fishing boats (Luke 5:1-11). Or the person obeys with a horribly bad attitude, like Naaman the leper. Furious and humiliated, Naaman almost stomped back to Aram, without doing what the prophet Elisha had commanded. Finally, he dunked himself seven times in the Jordan River. Surfacing the last time, he found his skin totally restored. His leprosy was cured (2 Kings 5). Naaman and Peter, by the way, had one thing in common; zero faith. Both men were sure nothing would happen.
Jesus grinned and blew both men “out of the water.”
A Word of Warning
Please don’t get confused. When we pray urgently about a problem, the Holy Spirit will often ask us to obey in an area of our life which seems totally unrelated. So we refuse to do it. But it’s like the cork of a wine bottle. Until you pull out the cork, no wine will flow. Our stepping out in obedience removes the cork.
So here’s my question; do you want the miracle you’ve been praying for or not?
The seagull image was downloaded from Pixabay.com.