Unseen Blessings

Free Air

The air we breathe is free. Unless, of course, you’re underwater, in outer space or climbing Mt. Everest or another very high mountain peak. Then other people will charge you.

A professional diver in a metallic deep water dive suit.


The Almighty supplies the air we breathe. (M. Puccini)

I have never learned to scuba dive. So all my information comes from the World Wide Web. So here’s a few facts about a diver’s air supply. Using a standard 80 cubic foot scuba tank:

  • Dive shops fill tanks with compressed air up to 3500psi (pressure per square inch.)
  • An average certified diver can stay submerged 45-60 minutes.
  • They return to the surface with some air still in reserve.
  • The average cost is $10-$15 per tank refill.
  • At the $10 rate, if I paid for my air, it would cost me $1680 a week.

Around the world, our Lord gives us air to breathe for free. The atmosphere allows us to sing and talk and cheer at football games. It’s an unseen blessing which we enjoy unthinkingly.

Today’s challenge

Try to think of 3 blessings you’ve never praised the Lord for. Want a greater challenge? Come up with 3 new blessings each day for an entire week. You can brainstorm with Christian friends.

Feel free to share any surprising ones in my comments column.

This image of the deep sea diver was downloaded from Pixabay.com.


A new blessing I just came up with? Gravity. Both good people and bad ones enjoy our Lord’s gifts (Matthew 5:45.)


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