An A.W. Tozer quote.
“The Devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still.” (A.W. Tozer)
What is Theology?
Theology is often defined as the study of God. In this sense, the Devil is a better theologian than we are, because he experiences the reality of God, while we only believe by faith. All the angels and demons know the Almighty.
Jesus’ brother James highlights this reality in his letter.
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. (James 2:19 NIV)
Angels and Demons are Never Fooled
There was an episode of “Touched by an Angel” where Monica, an angel disguised as a woman, asks some people how much faith an angel has. She then smiles and answers her own question by saying “None at all.”
Angels don’t need faith, because they see God clearly.
On earth, demon-possessed people often cried out in terror when the Lord glanced their way. Demons always called Jesus “the Holy One of God” or “the Son of God.” The fleshly body Christ wore didn’t mask His true divine nature from any demon who saw Him.
A Legion of Demons
My favorite story is about the demon-possessed man in the tombs. In Mark 5:1-20, Jesus gets out of a boat and this demonized fellow runs straight to Him. The legion of demons have total control of this guy’s mouth—but not his legs. So he promptly drags his ‘unwanted guests’ straight into the Lord of Light’s presence.
After that, the demons’ defeat is a foregone conclusion,
As they winged their way toward the pigs, perhaps these fallen angels started blaming one another. Who messed up? Some demons were supposed to control where the man went. But they’d failed. Now everyone had lost a good home, because their enslaved host had run toward Jesus, instead of away from Him..