Become a worry-slapper. Treat frets like mosquitoes. Do you procrastinate when a bloodsucking bug lights on your skin? Of course you don’t!
Tugging the Father’s Sleeve
“Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers.”
A Dangerous Request
This mother prayed the most dangerous prayer over her children I’ve ever heard of. Yet her boldness must have delighted the Lord’s heart.
Breaking a Sinful Habit
The key to breaking a long-standing sinful habit is easy and challenging at the same time. It involves renewing our minds through action.
Before We Existed
If you have accepted Christ, my saying is true for you. Jesus destined you for Heaven knowing all the future sins you’d ever commit.
One of God’s Gifts
There are not many things that can transform the dark circumstances of this world. But prayer does. Because the Almighty answers us.
Sanctified or Scarred?
We can’t control what happens to us. We can only control whether we get sanctified or scarred by the fiery trials we face.
All Truth is God’s Truth
The father of lies has upped his game. Deception and division among believers is growing. We need the Spirit of Truth’s help.
The One Who Sees Me
Jesus is the only outsider who truly knows the insider our skin keeps veiled (Beth Moore)
Unintentional Idolatry
It’s fitting that Greece is where the modern day Olympic torch is kindled before the games start. But I have a word of warning.