When we get envious or jealous, our life darkens. Soon, our awareness of God’s blessings fades away, blurred out by a grey fog of discontent.
Spending Time with God
Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life…always work your schedule around Him
Billy Graham’s Unanswered Prayers
Sometimes we have faith to move mountains; sometimes we can’t even move dust. Pray anyway. The Almighty is tender hearted toward His children.
I Flunked Heaven’s Entrance Exam
People think they are going to Heaven because they don’t deserve Hell. Turn the argument upside down. Ask “What have I done to earn Heaven?”
A Surprising Old Testament Verse
A verse in Proverbs asked a question that no one had an answer to—not until Jesus began His earthly ministry hundreds of years later.
The Creator Decides the Value
Jesus never wastes our time or His. Please understand; nothing He asks us to do is minor. But on this side of eternity it can look that way.
Mother Theresa’s Take on Discipline
Under resources are some good tips on how to develop self-discipline in any area.. The website is called Mind Tools.
God’s Work, God’s Way
There are parts of our calling, works of the Holy Spirit, and defeats of the darkness that will come no other way than through…
Wise Words from King David
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. (Psalm 27:13 NIV)
Scheming for our Misery
Rejoicing in our current blessings instead of grumbling about what we don’t have is a good idea. Because a heart of thankfulness creates joy.