So, what does God hate? He hates sin in the same way a mother hates the cancer that is devouring her precious child.
These Words Challenged Me
Sometimes the simplest statement hits me between the eyes like a holy 2×4. Yes Holy Spirit, I’m listening.
Elisabeth Elliot’s Insight about Marriage
No marriage can survive without forgiveness. Marriage is a long term commitment between two sinners. (Elisabeth Elliot)
The Freedom God Offers
Forgiveness is setting the prisoner free, only to find out that the prisoner was me. (Corrie ten Boom)
Strengthen your Grip (on Jesus)
Following Christ is going to become more costly. But this is our time to prepare.
Our Eternal Victories
Amy Carmichael served as an Irish missionary to India for 55 years, rescuing young girls from temple prostitution.
A Wise Word from Corrie ten Boom
“Worry is an old man with bended head, carrying a load of feathers which he thinks are lead.” Corrie ten Boom
Using Arrow Prayers
It’s not the length of your prayers, it’s who you are praying to.
Ravenhill’s Battle Cry
Our culture seems to be splintering from hatred and distrust. We can’t heal what’s broken, but the Lord can. It’s time to start praying.
Training for the Wrong Race
“If you have race with men on foot, and they have wearied you…” (Jeremiah 12:5) Maybe God wants us to trust Him and then do the impossible.