Paul’s illustration, found in Ephesians 4, can help many Christians break free of longtime sin.
The Door of Temptation
By my choices, I am daily creating my future self.
The Door of TemptationRead more
Growing to be more like Jesus
Why do some people experience a vibrant, spiritual Christian life, while others don’t? Here’s the main reason.
Growing to be more like JesusRead more
Focusing on a Life of Inner Power
Jesus died and rose so we could experience new life, so why don’t we?
Focusing on a Life of Inner PowerRead more
A Divine Mystery: The Holy Trinity
The Holy Scriptures reveal our God’s unique nature—and it still remains a mystery!
A Divine Mystery: The Holy TrinityRead more
A Divine Mystery: The Indwelling Spirit
In an earlier century, some Christians developed a wonderful spiritual insight while watching the blacksmith work.
A Divine Mystery: The Indwelling SpiritRead more
Holiness During the End Times
In the darkness, someone breathing fire instantly draws all eyes.
Holiness During the End TimesRead more
The Rapture Paradox
What is the rapture paradox?
The Rapture ParadoxRead more
The Message of the Cross has Been Lost
What is the lost message of the cross and why does it matter?
The Message of the Cross has Been LostRead more
Jesus Didn’t Fish in Mud Puddles
Drawing people to Christ might be easier than you think.
Jesus Didn’t Fish in Mud PuddlesRead more