In Victorian England, just at sunset, a lamplighter would kindle the lights on the darkening streets of London. One man would visit eighty lamps, lighting each wick at dusk and extinguishing each flame at daybreak.
7 Ways to Grow and Nourish Your Faith
Moses’ people saw life-changing miracles. So why was their faith so weak?
7 Ways to Grow and Nourish Your FaithRead more
4 Ways to Know if You’re Walking by Faith
Walking without faith is like wearing ski boots in the summertime. Every step becomes much harder. It doesn’t matter what task or ministry Jesus has given you to do; doing it in your own strength is frequently tiring, frustrating or both. So…
4 Ways to Know if You’re Walking by FaithRead more
Designed for His Purpose (Part 2)
I strongly believe we are each uniquely designed by our Creator to serve Him in different ways on this earth. I Kings 17:1-18:45 showcases two faithful wanderers, each doing God’s will in radically different ways. The first is the prophet…
Designed for His Purpose (Part 2)Read more
Designed for His Purpose (Part 1)
This cartoon penguin is funny, but on another level faintly disturbing. I don’t think surgery is what God had in mind when He created these flightless, fish-eating birds.
Designed for His Purpose (Part 1)Read more