The bird of prey perched on the falconer’s glove is valued and loved. Hours of training have created a bond between this falcon and it’s owner. God seeks a bond with us too, but it’s different in a key way.
When God Assigns an Impossible Task
Whatever the Trinity asks us to do has a divine purpose and our obedience is never a waste of time. Here’s a story I enjoyed as a young Christian.
The Good Shepherd: Shear Misery
A sheep’s thick coat in winter is a good thing. But if the wool keeps growing, it’s shear misery. One poor sheep grew the heaviest wool coat ever.
My Emergency End Times Tool Kit
Many Christians are hoping to be raptured before the Tribulation. But what if we aren’t? Here are 7 ways we can prepare and strengthen ourselves before the end times.
Waiting for the Rapture? Wait a Minute…
A wrong belief about Jesus’ rapture of His church can be catastrophic. It was once before, for our Chinese brothers and sisters.
Brother Andrew: Dangerous Travels
Brother Andrew’s 1955 entry visa into Poland was approved by the communists. His secret God-given mission was not.
The Empty Tent in the Wilderness
The Israelites wandering in the wilderness 40 years missed a key opportunity to encounter God in a deeper, more meaningful way.
The Key to Experiencing New Life
Get this one thing wrong and immediately Christianity is drained of all its life-transforming power.
Don’t Abandon the Shepherd when Life Grows Dark
On a dark, dangerous path, on’t stop following the Shepherd. He’ll lead you back into the sunlight.
Practical Help: Breaking Free of Sin’s Chains
There’s some practical steps every believer can take to break free of longstanding sin. I call it “the thief principle.”