Feel free to share these memes on social media if you wish.

Feel free to share these memes on social media if you wish.
These quotes by famous Christians comforts or challenges me. But Joyce’s words about a cactus made me grin.
Most of the Scriptural Memes I shared here are recent, but the broken wall and muddied spring memes are old favorites.
When I created these memes, I picked sayings that challenged or moved me. But Christi Derr’s insight about why God hates sin? A life-changing truth.
Linking the right image and quote to create a memorable meme is satisfying and fun.
Enjoy my new memes.
Feel free to share these meme on social media, but please leave my web address intact.
Here are seven of my favorite memes and below each one is a link to the post it’s attached to.
Enjoy these sayings by Leonard Ravenhill.