I never knew how remarkable it was that Hagar found water in the desert, until I saw these images of modern day desert wells.
Trial by Tabloid
Am I quick to believe evil of others? Usually I would say no. But wait a minute. What about celebrities? Or politicians?
4 Things the Devil Can’t Do
Peter likens the Devil to a roaring lion, hungry for human prey. But God has placed limits on what our enemy can do.
Body-Building Faith: Atrophy
We have a unique ability as believers; we can either strengthen our faith enormously or destroy it., by our choices.
Body-Building Faith: Strength Training
Our faith grows stronger when we exercise it. In that way, it’s very like a muscle.
It’s a Heart Issue
Greed is not a financial issue.
A Castle Moat is a Great Defense—How’s Yours?
Setting up “spiritual moats” can protect us from the Devil’s sneakiest attacks.
Following Jesus led me to Repair a Roof
I gained one of my most powerful, life-changing insights about Jesus while helping to repair a roof in Tennessee.
When the Color Blind See Color for the 1st Time
EnChroma Labs developed glasses to correct color blindness, allowing people to see colors for the 1st time. But we suffer from blindness too.
Plaguing the Egyptian Deities: Part 4
The 10 plagues of Egypt had a powerful psychological effect on Pharaoh’s people, because they came to know the one true God.