An Eye-Opening Proverb

A Proverb Writer’s Confusion

A flattened earth, surrounded by clock Roman numerals, floating in a milk-colored liquid.



Solomon didn’t write Proverbs 30, verses 1 to 33. Instead it’s attributed to a different man; Agur the son of Jakeh, and called “an inspirited utterance.” Inspired indeed. In verse 4, the author asks a startling question, which even he is baffled by.

Who has gone up to heaven and come down?

Whose hands have gathered up the wind?
Who has wrapped up the waters in a cloak?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is his name, and what is the name of his son?
Surely you know! (Proverbs 30:4 NIV)

According to my research, the book of Proverbs was compiled between 700 BC and 400 BC, hundreds of years before Christ announced he was God’s Son. So the Holy Spirit inspired the son of Jakeh to write this question. Yet as a God-fearing Jew, he must have cringed. Because the reference to God’s “son” made no sense and sounded blasphemous. 

Yet he couldn’t erase those words.

In a minor way, I do understand how Agur the son of Jakeh felt.

My Life as a Christian Writer

When I started “The Faithful Wanderer” I asked the Lord to help me write with boldness. I don’t seek controversy, but I don’t want to avoid it either. My blog has a unique flavor. But my heart is to please the Trinity, no matter what topic I choose to write about. I write my new posts over the weekend and upload them to the Web Monday night. For me, writing can be hard work.

But occasionally I’ll write a sentence and then get nervous about it.

Am I coming across too strong? Will some people reading my words feel condemned? Is it too fiery? Too harsh? Naturally I’d try to soften the language or even take out the sentence completely.

But here’s the strange part. Sometimes there’s an inner resistance and I understand I need to keep the sentence untouched. The Holy Spirit is telling me, “Maureen, leave it alone.” and I do.

So as an author, I can imagine the soul-shaking attacks Agur son of Jakeh faced from other Israelites who read verse 4. But God protects His Holy Word. This verse not only made it into the Scriptures, but it was faithfully copied for 100s of years by bewildered Jewish scribes.

Until Christ’s ministry began and provided the answer.

Jesus is the name of God’s son.

Editor’s Note

Back in March 2021, I wrote a post called “Hungering for the Spirit of Truth.” My main point? I can easily recognize the lies other people believe, but it’s impossible to see the ones which fool me.

One of my readers, Christena, came up with a better prayer than mine and I want to share it. She wrote;

Lord make clear to me any false narratives that have shaped my actions, words, thoughts and belief systems. I want TRUTH to rule and reign in my life.

Thank you Christena, for such a powerful prayer.

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