Does Fear Rule Your Heart?

A Pointed Question

Which of these statements creates more anxiety in you: ‘There is no God’ or ‘There is no money’? (Andy Stanley)

Some questions reveal a truth about ourselves. This question stung me a little too, because when things get out of control, I sometimes become stressed and panicky.

Unfortunately our sense of emotional security can get tangled up with having a steady paycheck or dependable income, rather than in the Lord’s goodness and provision.

This pandemic and the resulting economic upheaval has shaken everyone. The future feels uncertain. But I have a suggestion that will help. People, it’s time to crack open the Bible.

The Israelites in the Wilderness

Soak your mind in all the ways God provides for His people in Exodus, both during the plagues and after. Every time the Lord gives protection, water, food or guidance, stop for a minute and praise Him for His goodness and the delightfully creative ways He meets His people’s needs.

Or if you like, you can go instead to the gospel of Luke or Matthew and do the same thing, using the stories of Jesus blessing all the Jews and Gentiles who came to Him.

The idea is to soak your mind in how gentle, compassionate and good our God is.

So, what would this spiritual exercise look like?

Let me give you a concrete example.

A Little Known Blessing

After the Israelites have wandered in the desert for 40 years, they are once more approaching the Promised Land. So Moses gives a speech and shares a little-known divine gift that is truly remarkable.

Yet the Lord says, “During the forty years that I led you through the wilderness, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your feet. (Deuteronomy 29:5 NIV)

Of course, this wasn’t news to the Israelites standing there, but it is new information to all of us. Here’s how I would praise God in order to stir up my faith,

“Thank you, Lord, that you cared enough to make sure your people always had sandals to protect their feet from the burning desert sands in the summertime.”


“Water from the rock? Manna appearing miraculously like dew on the ground each day? No one saw that coming!”


“And now clothes that last for decades! Wonderful garments to pass around as new generations of toddlers keep growing into adults.”


“You’re generous, loving and compassionate toward all your people, Lord.”


“I see your goodness, loving-kindness and strength. Today my family and I need You to supernaturally help us in any wonderfully creative way You choose to.”

See the idea? Use the Scriptures to meditate on God’s life-giving character and then ask for His goodness and divine supply to flow to your family too.

And whatever He asks you to do, do it.

The image of the man’s wallet comes from


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