Discipline is Essential
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. (Mother Theresa)
Scuba Diving Takes Discipline
I don’t know this fellow, but I know some things about him.
- Before he ever started diving, this man took a written course and learned the basics well.
- Afterwards an instructor provided an enclosed environment like a swimming pool and helped him practice how to dive safely.
- His teacher then took him on 4 supervised real dives, along with other students.
- He understands how his diving equipment works and how to check it.
- Every time he goes scuba diving, he pays attention to the time, because he has limited air.
- More importantly, he understands the many things that can go wrong underwater.
In other words, it took time, discipline and training to turn this earth walker into a good scuba diver.
My definition of a good scuba diver is a person who stays alive.
My Spiritual Point
To accomplish anything good in the Christian life also takes discipline. God may give each of us a dream, but then we need to actively pursue it.
My Personal Confession
When I’m not at my place of employment, my discipline is on the weak side. In fact, I’m a bit of “a couch potato.” For my overseas friends, that means I enjoy watching TV, viewing videos on my computer or playing time-wasting games on my phone, rather then working hard to achieve anything good or lasting.
So this post is as much for me as any of you.
I found some good tips on how to develop self-discipline in any area. The website is mindtools.com. I’m starting small, but I’ve already picked out the 1st goal I want to work on.
How about you?