The Architect

God’s Blessing

The interesting architecture of Hamburg, Germany

If you want God’s blessing, He must be the architect of the vision. (Neil Anderson)

Manmade dreams and visions don’t need divine help. God-sized dreams and visions do.

My Own Story

The Lord has called me to be a Christian writer.

The Faithful Wanderer is in its tenth year and it is my main ministry. I’ve watched the Holy Spirit bless Christians even in Muslim countries with my posts and the last time I counted? Believers logged in from 96 different countries.

I believe many of my followers must use google translate.

My job is to release my posts on a weekly schedule and I’ve been faithful.  But the Lord Jesus is in charge of everything else.

I had no control over:

  • The Faithful Wanderer becoming a world-wide ministry.
  • Who finds my blog on the Internet.
  • Which posts are read and frequently re-shared.
  • What eternal, life-changing ministry the Holy Spirit is doing through my writing in the hearts of readers in other countries or even in the United States.
An Interesting Puzzle

Here’s a peculiar thing I’ve noticed. My total number of TFW posts is now 486. So over time, most posts have gotten buried. They no longer show up in the drop-down menus or during regular searches. These posts have become largely invisible.

But when I check my site’s statistics,  I often notice someone has read one of my hidden posts. On December 14, 2015 I wrote My Chipmunk Meme. Occasionally someone discovers it again.

It’s as if the Holy Spirit taps a specific believer on the shoulder and whispers,  “Read this old TFW post. These words will bless you.”

Here’s another question. How did someone discover my blog in Sri Lanka or Eswatini? My only answer is the Holy Spirit. 

I didn’t even know Eswatini existed until I checked my stats this past week.. It’s an African  country bordered by South Africa and Mozambique.

My Spiritual Point

Brothers and sisters, follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. Our faithfulness supplies God with the bricks. But the Divine Architect uses them to create something beyond our imagining.

I downloaded this image from


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