There is Great Power in Brokenness

What is Brokenness?

Brokenness is when a believer’s stubborn heart finally yields to God and says, “Yes, Lord.”

I will do what You are asking me to do, no matter how much it costs me personally. I’ll go forward on the path You’ve set, even though I feel anxious, insecure and fearful.

A yellow autumn leaf wrapped around a strand of barbed wire.

“Most Christian pray to be blessed. Few pray to be broken.” Leonard Ravenhill

Dying to Self, Living for God

Jesus calls us to walk in brokenness just like He did in the garden. Knowing everything that was about to happen, the Son still said yes to His Heavenly Father and walked straight to the cross.

Jesus’ “yes” didn’t come easily. Ours won’t either.

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. (John 12:24 RSV)

Some seeds never germinate, even when planted under perfect conditions. They never fulfill their God-given purpose; no tiny plant pushes its way through the soil and into the sunlight. These seeds “resist” their Creator and stubbornly stay as they are—only a single seed. Unfruitful, but untroubled by the trauma of brokenness.

But the seed which never dies and gives birth to a seedling misses the blessing of brokenness too. Only our God has the imagination and ability to bring forth a giant redwood tree out of the remains of a single, tiny seed.

Final Thought

How is the Holy Spirit calling you walk in brokenness today?

Surrendering to God’s will is always a struggle.

But it will never be a mistake.

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Enjoy the gardening article, “Why are my Garden Seeds not Growing?”


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