What Brings True Revival?

What’s preventing revival from breaking out in America?

The answer is simple; we don’t want it badly enough.

A bearded man swimming toward the camera underwater.

“Every revival in history seems to be the result of a few people becoming so hungry for God that they wanted Him more than oxygen.” (Rick Joyner)

The Christians Who Mirrored God’s Heart

In his book, “Why Revival Tarries” Leonard Ravenhill mentions that the church he grew up in often held all-night prayer meetings. Why? To pray that the Lord would save the lost. Hellfire and eternal damnation were realities to them, not just theological doctrines. These Christians spent sleepless nights, pleading with the Holy One. Asking the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of broken, sinful men, women and children.

These believers had God’s ear, because they shared God’s heart.

And Revival came.

True revival derails society’s sin because it radically changes the hearts and lives of Christians and non-believers alike.  

I find my soul badly in need of personal revival.

Don’t you?

These images came from Pixabay.com.


Here’s the link to Ravenhill’s book, Why Revival Tarries.

The Holy Spirit challenged and convicted me with every page.



2 thoughts on “What Brings True Revival?

  1. Anonymous

    Revival is what we desire as the body of Christ. Let’s keep on praying for the spirit of conviction to touch the lost souls.


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