My Emergency End Times Tool Kit

Preparing for the Worst

Okay, what if all the pre-Trib rapture preachers are wrong? A destroyed city, with flaming skyscrapers.In my previous post, I listed 3 reasons why I think Christians alive today will end up going through the catastrophic world-shattering events recorded in Revelation. Could I be wrong? Of course. But what if I’m not? Our goal can’t be to survive the Tribulation. Because few of us will. Instead, the goal is to remain faithful followers of Jesus, even if it means imprisonment, torture and martyrdom.

So how does a Christian prepare for the end of the world? Well, it’s not easy. But here are 7 practical suggestions.

Draw Close to the Trinity

The dark forms of two soldiers passing in front of a distant exploding fireball.1 Improve your Divine Listening Skills: During the turmoil of the Tribulation, it will be especially important to hear the Holy Spirit. We need to ask Him to train us to hear His commands more clearly. Then we need to promptly do whatever He says. Because we’re going to be living under battlefield conditions.

2. Seek to Dwell in Inner Peace: Learn now to trust in Jesus’ sovereignty, His personal care and His protection. The turmoil of outraged emotions such as anger, worry, fear, self-pity and bitterness creates an emotional uproar which blocks us from receiving anything from the Lord.

3. Practice Greater Dependence upon God: Learn to lean on God more in daily life. Pray, praise and worship Him throughout the day. The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). As we start to spend more time in the Lord’s presence our spiritual connection with Him will deepen.

Observe Events and Stockpile a Food Supply

A heron standing on a dry, cracked riverbed symbolizing the supernatural environmental disasters prophesied during the Tribulation.4. Recognize the Signs of the Times: Humility is important here. When Jesus came the first time, he fulfilled every single Scriptural prophesy about Himself—and nobody noticed. My personal opinion? The end times will unfold very differently than we’ve been taught. So ask for the Holy Spirit’s revelation. Don’t be foolish enough to rely on a prophesy expert’s opinion. Remember, the common people recognized Jesus as the Messiah, but the serious religious scholars and experts didn’t.

5. Start Memorizing the Living Word: The Lord speaks to us more commonly through the Scriptures than any other way. The Devil knows this. That’s why every time Christians get actively persecuted, Bibles are destroyed or it becomes a crime to publish God’s word. Any Scripture hidden in our hearts nourishes us and can’t be taken away.

Spiritual Training and Preparation

Symbolizing events during the Tribulation, a badly scarred, diseased human stands in front of a flaming earth.6. Repent of Chronic Sins: The time is past for compromises and indulging in the “pet sins” we always find excuses for. We can’t afford to live spiritually flabby lives any longer. It’s time to get spiritually healthy and start seeking the Lord in a deeper way.

7. Thankfulness and a Grateful Heart is a Powerful Weapon: Actively develop this skill. Finding a way to be thankful to God even during dark times provides us with hope instead of despair, and lightens any emotional load we’re carrying.

Please remember, this is not a self-improvement program. The Lord will actively prepare each Christian for the personal future only He can see. He’s the Good Shepherd, but the trail Jesus will soon lead us on will be a rough one.

One Clear Ray of Hope

An eerie green twilight landscape, with large cracks in the earth and in the background wrecked electrical utilities.I think the tribulation will be a terrible, yet amazing time for Christians to be alive on this earth. In the midst of great evil, we will each need to experience Jesus’ provision and guidance in supernatural ways. I believe Christ’s bride will also be purified. That’s what the refining fire of persecution does. It removes the dross and purifies the gold.

All these images came from

Author’s note: I chose each image to show different types of judgment. The heron standing on the dried riverbed symbolizes ecological disasters. The damaged human being in front of the flaming earth symbolizes the various plagues, burns and torments individuals will suffer. The cracks in the earth with a darkened power grid symbolizes an earthquake.


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