Why does God Hate Sin? (It makes perfect sense)

One Author’s Wise Words of Truth

A calm ocean with a snow-covered shore at twilight.

So, what does God hate? He hates sin in the same way a mother hates the cancer that is devouring her precious child. The way a father hates the drug addiction that is destroying his son.

A Lightbulb Moment

When I first read this analogy, my thinking straightened out. I suddenly knew why my Creator warned me against making sinful choices.

Our Heavenly Father didn’t just arbitrarily created a bunch of random “commandment hoops” for us to jump through, in order to earn His approval. He already delights in each of us; we’re His children.

Instead every godly decree is like a mother telling her small child, “Don’t touch the hot stove.” Because our God doesn’t want us to get burnt.

The Damage of Sin Accumulates
One cancer cell never hurt anyone. It’s not a big deal. But over a year’s time, that single cancerous cell can grow into a soul-destroying tumor which takes over a family’s life. In the same way, nothing bad happens immediately when Christians indulge themselves in little sinful habits. It takes years for the bad fruit to ripen. But the bad fruit always develops and that’s what Satan counts on.

This image came from Pixabay.com


This quote came from an article entitled, “Judge Not–The Most Misinterpreted Words of Jesus” originally written by Christi Derr for Catholic Exchange.com.

Here’s another 2009 article by the same author, entitled “Oh, Be Unreasonable!

Editor’s note: I didn’t use this quote in a meme for years, because I was unable to contact the author. But this one spiritual insight about the true nature of sin destroys all of Satan’s lies. The powerful analogies Christi Derr used will hopefully open other eyes besides mine.


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