Spirit of Truth, Rescue Us

Head-butting on Social Media

Male goats battling against each other.Over the last several weeks, I feel like I’ve been “butting heads” with people on social media. I have a bachelor’s degree in biology, so a few times I’ve tried to share some facts about the nature of viruses or vaccines or antibiotics. Or about how masks and social distancing can slow the spread of disease.

It seldom turns out well.

The Confusion Pandemic

Since this pandemic started, I’ve heard many different coronavirus-spawned theories and here are a few:

  • COVID-19 is a deadly disease, which spreads quickly throughout a population; we need to practice social distancing, wear masks in public and frequently wash our hands.
  • People are too fearful. All this hype about the coronavirus scare is overblown.
  • Developing a vaccine is our only hope.
  • Vaccines are evil, unnecessary and damaging.
  • Bill Gates has an evil plan to develop a vaccine that alters our DNA. Fortunately—unlike most bad guys—he’s announced his plot to the entire world.
  • Two antibiotics being used together in France will 100% cure COVID-19—even though antibiotics only work against bacterial infections, not viruses.
  • The Democrats have blown this whole pandemic all out of proportion and are using it to destroy the economy and Trump’s re-election chances.
  • Requiring us to shelter at home and wear masks is a plot to destroy our civil liberties.
Our own Opinions Echoed

Two Capricorn rams fighting.What you and I believe about the pandemic doesn’t change what the real truth is. If the virus is as dangerous as some experts say, the consequences of ignoring social distancing guidelines today can be devastating for the United States over the next few months.

If the danger has been grossly exaggerated, then we need to start rebuilding the economy as soon as possible.

The difficulty is that there’s so much misleading information on social media and different websites, that we may have to learn the truth about the coronavirus by waiting to see what happens.

But the issues surrounding the pandemic is merely a symptom of a much larger problem.

News for Itching Ears

Being ‘spoon-fed’ news stories that are individually tailored to our tastes damages all of us. Both social media and the algorithms on our cell phones do this. As a country, we’ve lost the ability to talk to people we disagree with and find common ground. The increasing anger toward outsiders is given fuel as we huddle together with other people who only think like we do.

The Father of Lies is enjoying himself.

Two male goats, one white and one brown, duel by pushing each other with their horns.The information flowing toward us can easily become a closed loop. People stop believing any outside truth that contradicts their core beliefs. Uncomfortable truths are dismissed as false information coming from corrupt sources. In addition, Satan has made sure that the feedback effect causes the lies we believe to grow ever stronger.

Caught in Satan’s trap? Yes, but there’s an easy solution.

The Clear-eyed Cure

I can often easily detect a lie you’re believing.

But I can’t see my own.

The lies Satan feeds me are carefully camouflaged as “the truth.” I think my personal blindness in these areas is probably as entrenched as anyone else’s. Yet my heart grieves. Because standing for truth matters in my Savior’s eyes, in every area of life.

So how do we break out of the Devil’s snare?

Start with a little humility. Admit that the enemy is actively seeking to deceive every human being on planet earth, including you.

Then be willing to ask for divine help. Because the Almighty is the one Being in the Universe that the Devil can’t fool.

In the gospel of John, Jesus calls the 3rd person of the Trinity “the Spirit of truth.”

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. (John 16:13 NIV)

Will you join me in praying this simple prayer every day?

Holy Spirit, please unmask and destroy the lies I’ve been believing and open my eyes to what the truth really is.

I want to see the truth clearly, don’t you?

It’s time to collectively cause Satan’s kingdom to tremble once more.

These battling goat images came from Pixabay.com.


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