Submerge Yourself in God

Certain Christian Quotes Attract Me

A single watchtower arising out of a blue-green lake, with the words, "Submerge Yourself in God."One thing which is true of my writing. I tend to write from conviction.

The Christian quotes which speak strongest to my heart are the sayings which convict me in an area of my life. An area where I’m not living up to what I believe.

Yet truth is truth. If it convicts me, maybe it will convict other Christians too. Because here’s what I know. Conviction is the first step in becoming more more Christlike.

So these are the type of quotes I turn into Christian memes.

The Truth about Myself

I’m not a spiritual giant. I’m a wanderer. Sometimes I wander where the Holy Spirit leads me. Other times I don’t. Looking back over the decades, I’ve experienced the Lord’s blessing whenever I’ve followed. When I’ve swerved off or gone my own way? I’ve remained mired in my old self.

Jesus has been faithful. But sometimes I have not.

The History of an Italian Lake

A 14th century church steeple, rising out of Resia Lake, created by a dam opened in 1950 in South Tyrol, Italy. Added to the lake's images is the words, "Submerge Yourself in God."Submerged under Resia Lake in Italy is an entire town.

In 1939, a company during the fascist government of Benito Mussolini began building a dam. World War II halted the project. But to the villagers’ dismay, in 1947 the dam project resumed.

In 1950. the completed dam began flooding the valley and the village of Curon disappeared. The inhabitants lost 160 homes and had to re-locate with little government help.

Only the town’s 14th century church steeple is still visible.

Italy has since declared it a historical landmark.

A Glimpse into Something More

A.W. Tozer said,

We have as much of God as we actually want.


The Trinity is a deep ocean, waiting to be discovered. But I’m still wading only ankle-deep. I get distracted by my toys, you see. But not all believers do.

A Christian group analyzed the effectiveness of Chinese evangelists. The authorities subject Christians in China, especially those who share their faith, to horrible persecution. Yet the church is growing stronger.

The report concluded the most effective evangelists prayed 4 hours a day. They submerge themselves in Christ. The fruit which results is Heaven-sent. These men and women walk closely with God and He guides them.

My Spiritual Point

This week I was encouraged by a Christian YouTuber. She said increasing the time you spend seeking God and praying is frustrating at first. But as you keep at it, your consistent feeble attempts—my words—show God you’re serious.

Then He will meet us where we are and take us deeper into Him.

My problem has always been I get discouraged and quit too early.

It’s time for a change.

I downloaded these images from


A Village Under Water for Decades is now Emerging from an Italian Lake.

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