My 2022 Winter Memes

My First Set of Memes this Year

Clocks superimposed on a city at night.

We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Every hero or heroine in the Bible abandoned their own dreams of what their life would be like. Instead, God used these people in unbelievable ways to bring about His will on the earth. Read “Divinely Interrupted.”

A prickly pear cactus with two yellow flowers.

Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don’t have the sit on it. (Joyce Meyer)

The people who change the world have hope, because they know they can make a difference. Check out my post “Prickly Words of Wisdom by Joyce Meyer.”

A miniature Japanese Bonsai tree.

God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil. (Mother Theresa)

Enjoy “Mother Theresa on Prayer.”

A cracked Japanese bowl repaired with the metal gold.

God knows the mess we’re in when He calls us. His light shines greater through “cracked pots” than it does through those who have it all together. (Joyce Meyer)

I 100% agree. Enjoy “His Light Shines thru our Brokenness.”

A tit eating seeds at a bird feeder.

Any fear associated with giving to God’s kingdom is irrational. It’s on par with a farmer who out of fear of losing his seed refuses to plant his fields. (Andy Stanley)

Read my post, “The Unsown Seed.”

A stream with rapids, flowing through the forest.

Perfect people? No. Perfect messes? You bet. Yet God used them. A surprising and welcome discovery of the Bible is this: God uses failures. (Max Lucado)

Have you failed? Have you messed up your life? Be encouraged, because now the Lord can use you. Read “Encouraging Words from Max Lucado.”

A black hole in space, capturing light energy from a nearby galaxy.

Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right. (Max Lucado)

Check out “Max Lucado’s Definition of Faith”

All these images came from


The image on my features page is a frozen soap bubble. Very interesting patterns form inside the bubble when it’s created outdoors on a cold winter’s day.

A frozen soap bubble, resting on the snow with a blue sky behind it.





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