Am I quick to believe evil of others? Usually I would say no. But wait a minute. What about celebrities? Or politicians?

Trial by Tabloid

Prickly Words of Wisdom by Joyce Meyer
“Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but..”

2021 Fall Memes
When I created these memes, I picked sayings that challenged or moved me. But Christi Derr’s insight about why God hates sin? A life-changing truth.

Divinely Interrupted
Every Biblical hero or heroine we admire had their life plan scrambled by God.

His Light Shines thru our Brokenness
It’s strange. Often we see the Lord most clearly through our tears.

4 Things the Devil Can’t Do
Peter likens the Devil to a roaring lion, hungry for human prey. But God has placed limits on what our enemy can do.

Body-Building Faith: Atrophy
We have a unique ability as believers; we can either strengthen our faith enormously or destroy it., by our choices.

Body-Building Faith: Strength Training
Our faith grows stronger when we exercise it. In that way, it’s very like a muscle.

The Unsown Seed
“Any fear associated with giving to God’s kingdom is irrational. It’s on par with a farmer who, out of fear of losing his seed, refuses to plant his fields.” Andy Stanley