We can’t control what happens to us. We can only control whether we get sanctified or scarred by the fiery trials we face.
Sanctified or Scarred?
All Truth is God’s Truth
The father of lies has upped his game. Deception and division among believers is growing. We need the Spirit of Truth’s help.
2024 Autumn Memes
Enjoy my 2024 autumn memes and feel free to share them.
The Indwelling Spirit
The Holy Spirit dwelling inside each believer is a mystery Christians have grown very comfortable with. Today let’s explore it.
My Latest Healing
The is the story of how the Lord healed me of the oldest and deepest emotional wound I had. He wants to heal you too.
The One Who Sees Me
Jesus is the only outsider who truly knows the insider our skin keeps veiled (Beth Moore)
An Eye Opening Experience
I have averaged almost 11,000 meals every decade, but this one dinner changed me forever. Yet I didn’t eat a single bite.
Unintentional Idolatry
It’s fitting that Greece is where the modern day Olympic torch is kindled before the games start. But I have a word of warning.
Effective Prayer Happens When…
Prayer will become effective when we stop using it as a substitute for obedience.