I gained one of my most powerful, life-changing insights about Jesus while helping to repair a roof in Tennessee.

Following Jesus led me to Repair a Roof

When the Color Blind See Color for the 1st Time
EnChroma Labs developed glasses to correct color blindness, allowing people to see colors for the 1st time. But we suffer from blindness too.

The Fountain of Life
“The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may avoid the snares of death.”(Proverbs 14:27) Walk where He leads you and be safe.

Plaguing the Egyptian Deities: Part 4
The 10 plagues of Egypt had a powerful psychological effect on Pharaoh’s people, because they came to know the one true God.

Plaguing the Egyptian Deities: Part 3
I know his people considered him a god, but Pharaoh demonstrated a stubbornness and level of pride that appeared insane.

Plaguing the Egyptian Deities: Part 2
The next 3 plagues—swarms of flies, livestock dying and boils—highlight the powerlessness of 4 new Egyptian deities.

Plaguing the Egyptian Deities: Part 1
Egypt was the Almighty’s “coming out” party. After He freed His people, everyone knew about the God of the Hebrews and many feared Him

Tozer’s Heavenly Insight
God looked at the Heaven He had created, and decided to improve things by filling it with redeemed sinners.