“No prayers are more dangerous, than the prayers of a mother and grandmother.”

Dangerous Prayers

Defeating the “Father of Lies”
Defeating the Father of Lies is difficult, because we are easily fooled. But it’s not impossible. For we have a secret ally, called “the Spirit of Truth.”

How NOT to Accomplish the Will of God
A timely reminder from Andy Stanley.

Does Fear Rule Your Heart?
“Which of these statements creates more anxiety in you: ‘There is no God’ or ‘There is no money’?” (Andy Stanley)

The Flesh Burner: Becoming More Like Jesus
Flesh burners are uncomfortable. But I know of no faster way to grow spiritually. Obeying God when it’s tough changes us. We become more like Jesus.

Insight from Mother Theresa
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” A timely quote by Mother Theresa.

My 2020 Spring Memes
Feel free to share these meme on social media, but please leave my web address intact.

The Enemy’s Kryptonite
The Devil has a clear weakness and it’s this; by prayer, we can open the doors for the Almighty to help us.