In these troubled times, the hurting believer has a powerful spiritual weapon; offering the sacrifice of praise.

A Cure for Anxiety

Only Sinners need Apply
Have you sinned and done things in your life that you’re ashamed of? Me too. Heaven will be populated by people just like us.

Our Prime Example
In His agony, Jesus Christ didn’t feel like forgiving either… But He did.

How Much Faith is Enough?
When I was a brand new Christian, certain passages in the Bible gave me serious heartburn. I found myself stressed out because my faith was so weak.

And God Created Penguins too!
A penguin surgeon? His patients better start worrying. So why did God create penguins? Well, why did He create you? God has a divine reason for you being alive today.

A Quote from St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis successfully paraphrased John 1:5 when he said, “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”