Living clay can choose to resist the Potter.

Loose Change in God’s Pocket
Can Jesus Christ “spend us” anywhere He wants to?

Our Heavenly Father’s Greatest Joy
Looking into every heart and knowing the worst, Jesus still chose each of us to spend eternity with Him.

What Brings True Revival?
True revival will only come when…

The Idol Within
All idolatry comes from the human heart, but this idol is especially tricky.

God is in Charge of What Happens Next
If you’re a new Christian, let me give you a little insight. Sometimes God will tell you to do something, but He won’t tell you why.

Evidence of Jesus’ Sense of Humor
Jesus has a sense of humor; it appears most often in His miracles involving fish.

History Belongs to the Intercessors
When God gives you a heart to prayer intensely for something dear to Himself, life starts to get interesting.

Jesus’ Challenge to His Followers
Christians aren’t called to be tolerant. Instead Jesus calls us to be compassionate. It takes a lot more sacrifice.