Want to make a real difference in people’s lives? Here’s a simple way.

Be Guilty of Random Acts of Kindness

Rejected Sources of God’s Wisdom
God delights to speak to us—but are we listening?

Don’t be a Tumbleweed
We can either be aimless dead tumbleweeds or divine sources of living water. It’s our choice.

His Divine Gifts in 2016
It’s easy to miss God’s blessings. Review 2016, and see how many hidden gifts you can find.

The Problem with Wearing Masks: Self-Deception
Sometimes a mask deceives the wearer most of all.

An Astronaut’s Training in Weightlessness
Did you know that astronauts train in a “weightless” underwater environment before they get launched into space? It’s true. Welcome to NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab.