Each person’s journey to Christ begins with a first step.
Please understand that your Creator made you. You weren’t an accident or a mistake. You have great value in His eyes because He created you as a unique and special person.
God knows you by name and despite all the bad things you’ve done, He wants you to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
That’s why Jesus came. The penalty for sin is eternal separation from God in Hell. Yet our Creator loves us. Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins, so we wouldn’t have to.
The Bible says:
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23 NIV)
What this verse means is that every human being has done bad things. The Bible calls our bad deeds “sins.” At times we’ve all been selfish, greedy, manipulative, mean-spirited or self-pitying. But sin can also be indifference to suffering, or refusing to forgive other people.
I flunk “the sinless test” every day—how about you? Fortunately, there’s good news. We don’t have to earn our way to Heaven, because Jesus already paid for us to go there.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23 NIV)
Eternal life is a free gift.
But it doesn’t come cheap.
Are you willing to surrender your whole life to Jesus? To leave your old sinful habits behind with His help and start doing what He tells you? Jesus not only wants to be your Savior, He wants to be your Lord. Your boss. To be in charge of your life.
He died to change who you are on the inside.
Over time, as I’ve obeyed Him in different areas of my life, Jesus has made me a more compassionate, tenderhearted woman of faith. The Scriptures picture God to a patient Potter, with us as the clay.
Will you surrender and let Jesus mold you into who He wants you to be?
All you have to do is pray this prayer:
“Jesus, I’m sorry for all the bad things I’ve done. I surrender my life to You. Please come into my heart and be my Savior and Lord. I receive your free gift of eternal life and will follow You always.”
Welcome to the family. You are now my brother or sister in Christ.
My key piece of advice? First, start reading the Bible. It’s the inspired Word of God. Begin with the story of Jesus’ life and His teachings in the four gospels. I’d start with the book of John. Afterwards, you can read more about our Savior in the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
Secondly, and just as important, find a good Bible-believing church and start going every week. You are a brand new believer You will need older Christians to teach you God’s ways and help you grow in your faith.
Special note from an ex-atheist:
For any atheists or agnostics reading this who don’t think God exists, I have a personal challenge. Go ask Him.
Just speak into the empty air and say,
“God, if You exist, I need to know.”
I am fully confident that if you are sincere, He’ll answer.
Just don’t expect Him to do anything “flashy.” He’s God. He doesn’t feel any need to show off.