7 Ways to use Bubble Wrap

Creative Ideas

Today let’s have some fun. Enjoy these outlandish ways to use Bubble Wrap

These life hacks make me grin. But I’m sure they’ll work.

A black decorative mannequin with red hair, glittery make-up and a Bubble Wrap stole.
1) Insulate Windows

When I lived in Michigan, my female roommate and I rented an older apartment, built decades before we were born. The 7 or 8 large rectangular windows let in plenty of light. But in the winter, freezing drafts blew through every room.

In an effort to keep our home warm, we bought shrink wrap and double-sided tape. I still remember standing on a chair with a hair drier, heat-shrinking the taped plastic to get a tight seal. It worked! The rooms became noticeably warmer. Unfortunately, after a few days, the powerful drafts started popping the tape seals open again.

A better idea? Bubble Wrap. The air pockets provide insulation and can be taped just along the drafty cracks. So the wind has much less surface area to push against.

2) Deer in your Garden?

A deer in a woodland setting.Do you have deer treating your garden like an all-you-can-eat buffet? Here’s a great fix.

Create a border around the outside of your garden using sheets of Bubble Wrap. Anchor the corners with rocks. If you wish, you can cover your work with hay or leaves, but it isn’t necessary.

Stepping on Bubble Wrap spooks deer. They won’t cross it.

3) Splint Broken Bones

If you don’t have the materials for a splint, you can immobilize someone’s broken arm or leg by wrapping the limb with several layers of this air-filled packing material. It provides extra padding too.

4) Create Your Own Padded Envelops

Avoid the expense and extra trips to the office supply store by creating your own padded envelops. Just use cardstock and left-over sheets of Bubble Wrap to custom fit any size envelop.

5) Prevent Blisters

Close-up of a yellow rake, leaning against a tree.Many weekend gardeners get blisters when raking leaves or shoveling mulch.

If garden gloves aren’t handy, put Bubble Wrap around the wooden handle using rubber bands or tape to protect your hands.

6) Protect the Car Windshield

During bad winter weather, protect your vehicle overnight by laying a slightly larger sheet of Bubble Wrap over your car’s windshield. It’s easy to peel off and stops frost from forming on the glass surface. It will also catch any snow that falls. Simply roll the sheet up, shake off the snow and drive away. Use the car’s wipers to anchor the Bubble Wrap.

7) Prevent Young Plants from Freezing

A frozen rose.During winter, protect seedlings and young plants from frost by cocooning them in Bubble Wrap.

The sun heats up the air pockets during the day, keeping the plant and soil warmer. At the same time, it still lets the sunlight shine on the leaves.

So, the Bubble Wrap functions as a small greenhouse around each young plant.

I love all these new ideas. Maybe I’ll try one or two.

Of course, we often use Bubble Wrap to protect valuable items which may get damaged during shipping.

So why doesn’t an infinitely loving Savior protect His sons and daughters from all harm?

There are no “Bubble Wrapped” Believers

Christians experience evil events and tragedies in this world just like everyone else. They’re victims of violent crimes or suffer child abuse. Natural disasters such as flooding, tornadoes, wildfires and earthquakes destroy family homes or businesses. Heart attacks, miscarriages, cancers and strokes happen to believers too.

We are infinitely precious to God, but He refuses to cocoon us in spiritual Bubble Wrap.

Instead, we experience life’s sorrow and pain like everyone else. Why?

Because the Holy Spirit’s goal is to make each believer a reflection of Jesus’ loving nature.

My Spiritual Point

I once saw myself clinging unto Christ’s white robe as a small child. I was sliding downward and frightened of losing my grip on Him. But then I saw the truth. Because when I’m in pain, Jesus stoops down to hold onto me.

Over the last 40 plus years, most of my spiritual growth has taken place during hard times. Fortunately, when life gets rough, my instinct is to run toward God.. Not away from Him.

I’ve seen the Lord repeatedly bring good out of evil. Three times the Holy Spirit has used the tragic death of a loved one to change my inner self. I’ve learned to trust my Savior in a deeper, more concrete way.

My faith is stronger and so’s my inner peace.

All these images were downloaded from Pixabay.com.


Learn more about the invention of Bubble Wrap and how to properly celebrate “National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day” by clicking on my link. It occurs on the last Monday in January, every year..

Editor’s note: The words “Bubble Wrap” and “BubbleWrap” are both registered trademarks of the Sealed Air Corporation, which produces this wonderful packing material. Which is why they are capitalized in today’s post.



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