Holy Fear
In Egypt, God stirred holy fear in unbelieving hearts, through His supernatural acts of judgment.
In the last several centuries He hasn’t chosen to, but this sleeping volcano isn’t sleeping.
He’s showing us mercy.
The Lord wants people to serve Him as David did, out of a loving heart. Yet Scripture shows us in Revelations that God will once more rain divine judgments upon the earth in the sight of unbelievers.
What Fear of God Isn’t
Here’s My Fear the Lord Checklist:
1. People who Fear the Lord Shun Evil
28 And he said to the human race,
“The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,
and to shun evil is understanding.” Job 28:28 (NIV)
In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh grew concerned because the enslaved Israelites kept multiplying. So he ordered the two Jewish midwives to kill every boy born, but to let the girls live. Slaves themselves, the two women repeatedly disobeyed, because they feared God. Afterwards they lied to Pharaoh and said all the Hebrew women gave birth before they arrived. God caused Pharaoh to believe them. (Exodus 1:15-22).
Were the Jewish midwives terrified of Pharaoh’s wrath? Yes. Why else would they lie? But even when faced with possible torture and death, both women kept doing what was right. The midwives’ quietly courageous defiance took place 80 years before God’s miraculous signs in Egypt.
As far as the midwives knew, God hadn’t even moved an ant hill to help His people in living memory. But both still honored and feared their God.
In contrast, Scripture proclaims people who live evil lives lack this characteristic.
I have a message from God in my heart
concerning the sinfulness of the wicked.
There is no fear of God
before their eyes..(Psalm 36:1-4).
2. The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise. Psalms 111:10

3. Humility is the Fear of the Lord.
Humility is the fear of the Lord;
its wages are riches and honor and life. (Proverbs 22:4 NIV)
Proud Christians Rely on Themselves.

My Spiritual Point
Do you shun evil? Promptly obey your heavenly Master every time? Walk humbly before your God, trusting in Him rather than yourself?
Interesting fact: some of the people in the Bible who feared the Lord were unbelievers.. In Genesis 20 King Abimelek showed a greater fear of God than Abraham did.
Editor’s note: I know of only one way for a believer to increase his or her fear of the Lord; by praying. This will be one of my goals in 2025.